Tokyo’s Tsukiji Fish Market
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo’s Tsukiji Fish Market

Located in Tokyo, Japan, the Tsukiji Fish Market is the largest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world. Over 2,000 tons of product is handled per day amidst the chaos of the bustling market with motorized carts zipping by and vendors shouting at every corner.  Renowned sushi chefs visit the market daily for the freshest fish and often partake in the tuna auction held at 5 in the morning. 300 to 500 pound bluefin tuna rest inside a large warehouse located in the “inner market” reserved for wholesale business.

While traversing the city of Tokyo, L&T Contributor Jennifer Chong seized the opportunity to document the tuna auction one (very) early morning.

This is her Traveling Reflection.

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“Experiencing new things is an important part of my life and having the ability to share my experiences is something I really enjoy. If you’re up early you can be one of the first to get a glimpse of the live tuna auctions and then take a seat at one of the many sushi stalls for a fresh, sushi breakfast.”

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“Following the auction, we sat in a crowded restaurant, Sushi Dai, while the sushi chefs carefully and thoughtfully prepared our sushi. I couldn’t get enough. It was one of the most memorable sushi meals in my life.”


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