5 Stories
The Empire of Palm Oil and the Making and Unmaking of Racial Capitalism

The Empire of Palm Oil and the Making and Unmaking of Racial Capitalism

A critical reading of palm oil reveals the structural cruelties of our world—and how we might make a new world in its place.

How Markets and Delis Connect Slavic Families To Their Old-World Traditions

How Markets and Delis Connect Slavic Families To Their Old-World Traditions

The ready-made meals, frozen dumplings, fresh-baked bread, and other staples on offer at these West Coast markets have long histories of Soviet migration.

Tales of Bread and Unfinished Revolution in Egypt

Tales of Bread and Unfinished Revolution in Egypt

A history of protest in Egypt reveals ties between bread and notions of freedom and human dignity.

Rooftop Oases Nourish Body and Mind in Urban Egypt

Rooftop Oases Nourish Body and Mind in Urban Egypt

A practice of rearing poultry and livestock on rooftops has helped sustain families in crowded urban areas for generations.

Palestine and the West Bank Agricultural Struggle

Palestine and the West Bank Agricultural Struggle

Facing impossible conditions, local farmers in the occupied West Bank hope a return to their roots will bring Palestine closer to food sovereignty.