

Chef Portrait: Adina Niemerow

Chef Portrait: Adina Niemerow

Adina Niemerow, holistic chef and author, has been a personal chef for notable Fortune 500 CEO’s, musicians, actors, such as Ben Stiller and Steve Jobs.

Just Jan’s

Just Jan’s

Jan Hogrewe is the mastermind behind Just Jan’s, a line of all-natural, preservative-free fruit spreads.

Intentional Chocolate

Intentional Chocolate

Ashley Walsh and Cami Walsh-Zappaterra of Intentional Chocolate share the story of how their chocolate goes beyond the cacao bean and into the realm of good intentions.

Of Simplicity and Refried Beans

Of Simplicity and Refried Beans

Having not visited my homeland in 17 years, three days was hardly enough time for me to put together a full picture of life in Mexico, but it still left me with a lot to think about.

Queens County Farm

Queens County Farm

On a sunny winter day, I visited Queens County Farm, which dates back to 1697 and is the oldest historical working farm in New York City.

Nicobella Organics

Nicobella Organics

Nichole Dandrea is the chocolatier behind Nicobella Organics, a healthy and vegan chocolate company based in Los Angeles, California.

No One Should Be Left Out

No One Should Be Left Out

Food is a necessary component of life, and so is honest, communal interaction among people. Cultivate community around your dinner table, no matter how big or small.

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at Life & Thyme!

A Taste of Detroit

A Taste of Detroit

Detroit is a land of urban farming, where abandoned houses once stood are now small, family-run farms. Amanda Ryan recounts her culinary experience in Detroit, Michigan.

The Sprouted Kitchen

The Sprouted Kitchen

Sara Forte is a food writer, cook, and now recipe book author. Her recipes thrive on fresh and seasonal ingredients for maximum flavor and wholesome, healthy meals.

Bringing Food Back to the Kitchen

Bringing Food Back to the Kitchen

A simple guide and words of wisdom in spending the limited time it takes to make food. Real food.